Curved laminated wood

engineered wood for truly free-form design

We have developed two engineered wood products for interior and exterior architectural applications. Using an adaptive mould as a tool, we shape laminated wood panels into singly and doubly curved shapes without the extra step of steaming or kerf-cutting the wood.

With the adaptive mould technology, shape is no longer a limiting factor – we can help you realise those  extraordinary design projects.

Our products


The Carapace series are wood sandwich panels composed of a balsa core and veneer skins. Carapace is used where lightweight properties are a strict requirement.

COPPICE series

Coppice engineered wood panels are composed of thin layers of cross laminated timber. Our panels are unique in that the timber can be pre-cut to different shapes to achieve patterned wood.

curved wood sandwich panel
Curved laminated wood panels

The features

Our curved wood series are available with the following features:

  • curves down to 300 mm radius of curvature
  • panels up to dimensions of 3.5 x 1.6 m
  • mm accuracy on shape to realise the envisioned design
  • ease of assembly of panels with our blind mounting solutions
  • a variety of wood types available, as well as bamboo

Download our brochure or contact us with your design!